The only thing better than getting a discount, is getting an even bigger discount. Whenever I shop online or in stores I'm constantly checking to see if I can somehow get an additional percentage off with a discount code or group affiliation discount. If you're anything like me then Plurro was basically made for you. Plurro helps fancy frugal people like me create their own "cash mob". Cash mobs are basically group rate discounts given
to groups when they band together with friends, family, and even strangers to get a group rate discount. With a cash mob, you can increase the discount you get at stores by increasing the size of the group.
How it Works:
People download the Plurro app, then find Cash Mobs to join with friends, family, colleagues and other shoppers to increase the discounts they receive.
If the idea of this sounds good to you (and why would it not) you can download the app at and start "mobbin" now. If you live in the NYC area you can also check out the cash mob happening this week at Second Time Around, details below.
Where: Second Time Around, 238 West 72nd Street, New York, NY
When: Thursday, August 1, 2013; 4 p.m. – 8 p.m.
Who: Anyone can join the Cash Mob using Plurro’s app, available on the Web at and for iPhone in the App Store.
The current discount is guaranteed at 20% off; but if between 25 and 50 people sign on to come to the Cash Mob, the discount will increase to 25%; if 50 or more people sign up, the discount will climb to 30% off.
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* Image from Anecdoche