Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Pinterest Inspired DIY Holiday Gifts

As the saying goes, it's the thought that counts and while we are all for DIY gifts, it's great when you can give something that the person will actually use (extra points if it looks so professional you have to tell them it's homemade). After browsing through the inspiration holy grail Pinterest, we came up with two delectable crafts, that are easy to make and perfect for gift giving.

scented diy body scrub

Lavender Fields Body Scrub

Lavender has been said to help with relaxation, so why not give the gift of stress reduction with this lovely DIY scrub. Sea salt scrubs are great for use as all over body scrubs, hand softeners, or spa pedicures.

- 1/2 Cup sea salt
- 1/4 Cup Jojoba oil or Olive oil
- 3 Drops of Lavender Essential Oil
- 1 Tbsp dried lavender buds

- Add jojoba or olive oil to sea salt in a sealable jar.
- Mix in dried lavender buds until the mixture forms the desired texture.
- Add in lavender essential oil drops to create the perfect lavender scented scrub.

diy body scrub

Honey Lipservice

The next idea is perfect for the beauty lover on your list. Winter lips are the worst and often Chapstick alone isn't enough. Help them keep their pout lipstick perfect with this DIY lip scrub.

- 1 tbsp raw cane sugar
- 1 tbsp honey
- 1 drop of peppermint oil

-Add honey to a small sealable jar and mix in the sugar until desired consistency is reached.
- Mix in 1-2 drops of peppermint essential oil for scent


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  1. great ideas and they both look really cute !

  2. Thanks Tianna! They were really fun to make as well!
