Friday, January 4, 2013

New Year Style Resolutions

Untitled #145

New year, new you! Fashion resolutions

Now that we've all had a few days to get adjusted to 2013 ( still haven't gotten use to writing that lol) I think now is the perfect time to create a few resolutions. If you're like me then by now you've already read what seems like a million articles surrounding creating and keeping resolutions or have already decided not to even bother with them this year. I personally have decided to forgo creating new years resolutions in favor of creating vision boards instead ( more about that later). However, I did think it would be fun to come up with a few "style resolutions" for 2013 to help make this my most stylish year yet!

1. I will NOT become a label whore. Between  being a newly minted  New York City resident and constantly interaction with the "fashion world" through my style blog, it's easy to get caught up in designers, labels, and what everyone else is wearing. I've always prided myself in looking at "design" over "designer" and have never been one to care about labels, but I've noticed an increased awareness over the past few months. I want to make it my new years resolution to myself not to get carried away with "who made what".

2. I  will stop being a product junkie. I literally love cosmetics to the point where just the thought of a department store beauty counter makes me smile. Since reading other blogs and watching style and beauty YouTube videos are two of my favorite internet pass times, it may come as little or no surprise to hear of my slight cosmetic product addiction. In 2013 I will try to curb my love for buying all of the newest and latest hair, beauty, and makeup products and instead limit my purchases to items I actually need (or really really want).

3. In the words of Miss Frizzle from Magic School Bus: Take chances, make mistakes, get messy! Fashion, beauty, and style are all forms of personal self-expression. It's important to do what feels right for you and not worry about what other people will think. Make sure your style is just that, your style.

Comment below and let me know what are you're new year style resolutions!!


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  1. I need to work on NOT being a product junkie as well :) Fun to find you on #FF

  2. Thanks for sharing!! Checking out your blog now :)

  3. I'm going to try and add more accessories to my wardrobe. Great resolutions!


    Fashion and Beauty Finds

  4. Love your resolutions! I too am somewhat of a product junkie and vow to get away from that this year Happy 2013!!

    xo Ashley
