Ever since I first heard of yoga back in 5th grade, I've been in love. A guest teacher came to our school to demonstrate a few simple positions and I was enthralled (please hold all questions pertaining to my "nerdiness" in elementary school or the super contempo-casual suburbia I must have grown up in) .
Source: http://livestressfree.info/Yoga-Poses.html
I loved the fluidity of the movements and the ease in which the teacher transitioned from one into the next. So naturally, being a true nerd ... I went to the library (thank God for Google) and checked out as many books on yoga as I could find. After having a few mishaps while trying to self-teach myself ( you do not want to make mistakes while doing yoga by yourself... imagine having your ankles stuck behind your head... scary stuff!) Luckily, to my surprise,
one day I was watching TV and I came across a TV show called Yogazone (cue the falling in love montage). And naturally, since my sisters did not have the soul of a middle age lady, everyday we would have a fight to the death for the remote. I wasn't as zen then as I am now. :)
Source: http://www.yogapaws.com/yoga-blogs-yoga-paws/?Tag=Beginning%20Yoga%20Postures
Recently I've had more time on my hands as college started to come to an end. I started attending yoga classes at my school the past few months and I can't tell you how relaxed and rejuvenated I feel afterward.This was my first time actually practicing with other people in a class setting, and it was a wonderful experience. I plan on treating myself to enrolling in yoga classes after I move to New York to continue getting my weekly detox. So in the spirit of Spring and being healthy, I wanted to write this post and share some of my favorite yoga positions. And of course, it wouldn't be me if I didn't also leave you with a yoga workout style pick ;)
Comment below and let me know if yoga is something that you've tried before or if you plan to try it in the future! Also if you live or have lived in New York and know a good yoga class/instructor, let me know!